PiVPN Google Authenticator Setup

Setting up Google Authenticator with PiVPN can be rather tricky. I followed the instructions here but had to change some of the configuration to get things working.

This guide assumes that PiVPN is already set up.

  1. Install Google Authenticator.
    sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator
  2. Add the following lines to /etc/openvpn/server.conf:
    # Tells the OpenVPN server to validate the username/password
    # entered by clients using the authorization settings in the
    # 'openvpn' PAM module which we will create later.
    plugin /usr/lib/openvpn/openvpn-plugin-auth-pam.so openvpn
    # Disable renegotiation of data channel key. If enabled, the
    # VPN connection will be dropped when renegotiation takes
    # place because the OTP that was valid when the VPN connection
    # was established will no longer be valid.
    reneg-sec 0
  3. Create the openvpn PAM module that we referenced in the step above, with the common-account PAM module as the base configuration. We create a separate PAM module so as to keep the configuration clean.
    cp /etc/pam.d/common-account /etc/pam.d/openvpn
  4. Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/openvpn:
    auth required pam_google_authenticator.so user=root secret=/var/ga/${USER}/.google_authenticator
    We store the secret file in a non-home directory to ensure that the OpenVPN server is able to read the secret file. Additionally, we want the secret file to be readable only by root (400 permissions). Thus, we set the user to read the secret file to be root. More details can be found here.
  5. Comment out or remove the following lines in /etc/pam.d/openvpn:
    account	[success=1 new_authtok_reqd=done default=ignore]	pam_unix.so
    account	requisite			pam_deny.so
    This is so that VPN accounts do not require a corresponding unix account.
  6. Reload the configuration changes.
    sudo service openvpn restart

Setting Up VPN User Accounts

Before setting up a VPN user account, you will need to determine the username and password that will be used to connect.

  1. Create the directory to store the TOTP secret file for the user. Replace USERNAME below with the username of the user.
    sudo mkdir /var/ga/USERNAME
  2. Generate a time-based one-time password (TOTP) for the user. Replace USERNAME below with the username of the user.
    sudo google-authenticator \
        `# Specify a non-standard file location` \
        --secret=/var/ga/USERNAME/.google_authenticator \
        `# Set up time-based (TOTP) verification` \
        --time-based \
        `# Disallow reuse of previously used TOTP tokens` \
        --disallow-reuse \
        `# Limit logins to 3 every 30 seconds` \
        --rate-limit=3 \
        --rate-time=30 \
        `# Set window of 3 permitted codes (one previous code, the current code, the next code)` \
        --window-size=3 \
        `# Don't confirm code; for interactive setups` \
        --no-confirm \
        `# Write file without first confirming with user` \
    The rationale for using a non-standard (non-home) file location is given in the instructions above.
  3. Note down the secret key. This will be used by the user to set up their TOTP in Google Authenticator.
  4. Create the VPN user account. Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD below with the username and password of the user respectively.
    pivpn add --name USERNAME --password PASSWORD --days 1080
  5. Add the following lines to USERNAME.ovpn:
    # Request username and password when connecting.
    # Disable renegotiation of data channel key. If enabled, the
    # VPN connection will be dropped when renegotiation takes
    # place because the OTP that was valid when the VPN connection
    # was established will no longer be valid.
    reneg-sec 0
    Comment out the following line in USERNAME.ovpn:
    # Do not cache passwords in memory as the password is actually a TOTP.
    # auth-nocache
  6. Download the generated USERNAME.ovpn file for the user.

Setting Up TOTP as a User

Skip this if TOTP has already been set up for your VPN account.

  1. Download and install Google Authenticator (or equivalent) from your mobile device's store.
  2. From the Google Authenticator application (or equivalent), add a new time-based one-time password (TOTP) via the setup key.
    1. As of the time of writing, this can be done in the Google Authenticator application via + > Enter a setup key:
      Account name: <up to you; can be anything>
      Your key: <setup/secret key as generated above>
      Type of key: Time based
  3. You should see a 6 digit code that updates periodically if successful.

Setting Up VPN as a User

  1. Download the USERNAME.ovpn file to the device that you want to setup the VPN on.
  2. Download and install OpenVPN on the device.
  3. In OpenVPN, import USERNAME.ovpn:
    Profile Name: <up to you; can be anything>
    Server Hostname (locked): <hostname of server; cannot be changed>
    Username: <USERNAME>
    Private Key Password: <PASSWORD>
    • Note that Save Password should not be enabled as the password is actually the TOTP. Save Private Key Password is fine though.
  4. After importing the profile, attempting to connect to the VPN will bring up a prompt for the password. This is actually referring to the TOTP.
    • If you have not set up the TOTP yet, refer to the section above.