#Java Color Thief A port to Java of Lokesh Dhakar "Color Thief" for it to be executed server side on a JEE container or in a J2SE app. See http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/color-thief/ for more informations and usage example of the javascript version.
##How to use
See test case included in org.soualid.colorthief.MMCQTest
Basically :
BufferedImage img = /* read your image here using Image IO */;
// Then get the 10 most used colors palette (first being the dominant color of the image)
List<int[]> result = MMCQ.compute(img, 10);
##How to build This project use Apache Maven.
##Credits and license
###Author Simon Oualid (simon@oualid.net), originally for the wipplay.com website (http://www.wipplay.com)
- Lokesh Dhakar - for the original Color Thief javascript version, available at http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/color-thief/
- Nick Rabinowitz - for creating quantize.js (ported here in Java)
###License Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
- Free for use in both personal and commercial projects.
- Attribution requires leaving author name, author homepage link, and the license info intact.