
A bash function to facilitate mounting of SSHFS share

SSHFS Mount Helper

This is a bash function that allows you to mount SSHFS share faster.

This is to be sourced from .bashrc or .bash_profile. Then you can use mnt to quick mount sshfs volumes.


$ mnt

mount the default volume skywalker: on /Volumes/skywalker

$ mnt host

mount sshfs://host on /Volumes/host

$ mnt host:

same as above

$ mnt host:/root

mount sshfs://host/root on /Volumes/root

$ mnt host/root

same as above

$ mnt host.example.com:/home/hippi

mount sshfs://host.example.com/home/hippi on /Volumes/hippi

$ mnt host.example.com

mount sshfs://host.example.com on /Volumes/host

$ mnt edc@remote.host.com

mount sshfs://edc@remote.host.com on /Volumes/remote