
Electron client for edChain

Primary LanguageHTML

Desktop client for edChain

This is a client for edchain based on the electron framework.

Note: Version 6x, or higher, of NodeJS is required.

Getting Started For Developers

You need a mac os or linux to get started. If you have neither, please install [Oracle Virtual Box] https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads and follow instructions here to install Ubuntu on the virtual box.

You will also need to install Git. Follow instructions here to install it. Once complete, please get edchain running on your machine. The instructions are stated below.

NodeJS is also required. Please install node js with instructions here

Enter the following commands to get edChain up-and-running:

Note: You have have to preface some of these commands with sudo to meet privilege requirements defined by your operating system.

Download & Installation

  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/edchainio/client-gui.git

  • Move into the directory of the project: cd client-gui

  • Install the NodeJS dependencies: npm install

Development Build

  • Run start script: npm start

Production Build

  • For Windows: npm run build The output distribution files will be located at edchain-client-gui/dist/edChain-win32-x64

  • For Linux Dist: npm run deb64 The output distribution files will be located at edchain-client-gui/dist/installer

  • For MacOS/Darwin Dist: npm run darwin The output distribution files will be located at edchain-client-gui/dist/installer


If you are not familiar with git, please look at this tutorial: https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1

This is the framework that the application is built on. Please read before you start working on the application. https://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/quick-start

The main file in our case is app.js and the main ui file is index.html.

Coding Guidlines:

