
A client for the Mondo API written in PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Mondo PHP

Codeship Status for edcs/mondo-php Coverage Status StyleCI SensioLabsInsight

This package is a PHP-HTTP and PSR-7 compatible client for accessing the Mondo API in your PHP projects.

This package is currently in development, please use dev-master for now.


You can install this project using Composer. Though you'll need to choose your PHP-HTTP client before you can install this package. To find out more about PHP-HTTP, you can read the documentation here.

This package has been extensively tested using Guzzle 6, if you're not already using a HTTP client in your project then you can go ahead and use Guzzle with the following commands:

composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter
composer require edcs/mondo-php

If you're already using a different HTTP client in your project, you can check and see if there's already a PHP-HTTP adatapter available for it here.

Getting an Access Token

If you'd like an easy method to create access tokens, you can use this provider for the Legue OAuth 2.0 Client.

Getting Started

To instantiate a new resource first you will need to create an instance of your PHP-HTTP client, this example uses Guzzle 6. If you are using Guzzle you will also need to inject the instance of the client into the PHP-HTTP client factory before it can be used in one of this packages resource classes:

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
    'base_uri' => 'https://api.getmondo.co.uk',
    'headers'  => [
        'Authorization' => 'Bearer {your-access-token}',

$client = new Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client($client);

$ping = new Edcs\Mondo\Resources\Ping($client);

Ping Resource

This resource contains the following methods:

  • whoAmI() - Returns a WhoAmI entity instance which describes the current access token.
$ping = new Edcs\Mondo\Resources\Ping($client);

$entity = $ping->whoAmI();

$entity->getAuthenticated() // true/false depending on if the current access token is authenticated.
$entity->getClientId() // A string containing the client id associated with the current access token.
$entity->getUserId() // A string containing the id of the user associated with the current access token.

Accounts Resource

This resource contains the following methods:

  • get() - Returns a Collection of Account entities which describe the current user's Mondo accounts.
$accounts = new Edcs\Mondo\Resources\Accounts($client);

$collection = $accounts->get()

foreach ($collection as $account) {
    $account->getId(); // A string containing the id of the account.
    $account->getDescription(); // A string containing the account description.
    $account->getAccountNumber(); // A string containing the account number.
    $account->getSortCode(); // A string containing the account sort code.
    $account->getCreated(); // A string containing the date when the account was created.

Balance Resource

This resource contains the following methods:

  • find($accountId) - Returns a Balance entity instance which describes the account balance of the supplied account.
$accountId = 'acc_00009237aqC8c5umZmrRdh';

$accounts = new Edcs\Mondo\Resources\Accounts($client);

$entity = $accounts->find($accountId);

$entity->getBalance(); // Returns the account balance in pence.
$entity->getCurrency(); // Returns the ISO currency code for this account.
$entity->getSpendToday(); // Returns the amount spent today in pence for this account.

Transactions Resource

This resource contains the following methods:

  • get($accountId) - Returns a Collection of Transaction entities which describe the transactions on the supplied account.
  • find($transactionId) - Returns a Transaction entity instance which describe the supplied transaction.
  • annotate($transactionId, $annotation) - Creates a new annotation and a Transaction entity instance which describe the supplied transaction.
$accountId = 'acc_00009237aqC8c5umZmrRdh';

$transactions = new Edcs\Mondo\Resources\Transactions($client);

$collection = $transactions->get($accountId);

foreach ($collection as $entity) {
    $entity->getAccountBalance(); // Returns the account balance in pence after this transaction.
    $entity->getAmount(); // Returns the transaction amount in pence.
    $entity->getCreated(); // Returns a string containing the date of this transaction.
    $entity->getId(); // Returns a string containing the transaction id.
    $entity->getMerchant(); // Returns an array containing information about the merchant.
    $entity->getMetadata(); // Returns an array contianing any metadata associated with this transaction.
    $entity->getNotes(); // Returns notes which describe this tranaction.
    $entity->getIsLoad(); // Returns true if this transation is a top-up, otherwise returns false.
    $entity->getSettled(); // Returns a string containing the date this transaction was settled.
    $entity->getCategory(); // Returns the category which this transaction belongs to.

$transactionId = 'tx_00008zIcpb1TB4yeIFXMzx';

$entity = $this->find($transactionId); // Entity methods described above.

$metadata = [
    'metadata_key' => 'This is a metadata description.'

$entity = $this->annotate($transactionId , $metadata); // Entity methods described above.


$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Edward Coleridge Smith at edcoleridgesmith@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.