Jumpsuit is a React framework for efficiently building powerful web applications.
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Learn the Basics
- Effects
- Hooks
- Sandboxed States
- Hot State Reloading (HSR)
- Tutorial
- Examples
- Changelog
- Jumpstate
$ yarn add jumpsuit
# or
$ npm install --save jumpsuit
# Create a new project with create-react-app
$ create-react-app myProjectName
$ cd myProjectName
# Install Jumpsuit
$ yarn add jumpsuit
# Start the create-react-app dev server
$ yarn start
// Import Jumpsuit
import React from 'react'
import { Render, State, Actions, Component } from 'jumpsuit'
// Create a state with some actions
const CounterState = State({
// Initial State
initial: { count: 0 },
// Actions
increment ({ count }) {
return { count: count + 1 }
decrement ({ count }) {
return { count: count - 1 }
// Create an async action
Effect('incrementAsync' () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}), 1000)
// Create a subscribed component
const Counter = Component({
render() {
return (
<h1>{ this.props.count }</h1>
<button onClick={ () => Actions.increment() }>Increment</button>
<button onClick={ () => Actions.decrement() }>Decrement</button>
<br />
<button onClick={ () => Actions.incrementAsync() }>Increment Async</button>
}, (state) => ({
// Subscribe to the counter state (will be available via this.props.counter)
count: state.counter.count
// Compose the global state
const globalState = { counter: CounterState }
// Render your app!
Render(globalState, <Counter/>)
- What does the Jumpsuit core include?
- State Management powered by Jumpstate & Redux
- Routing (React-Router)
- Rendering/Bootstrapping
- Hot State Reloading
- Can I use it with Create React App?
- You bet! We have an example you can view or drop right into your
- You bet! We have an example you can view or drop right into your
- But I've already built an app! Can I still use Jumpsuit?
- Of course! Jumpsuit is not an all or nothing framework and has many levels of buy-in for usefulness. You can easily migrate small parts of your app to use Jumpsuit using only the pieces you need.
- I love the state management in Jumpsuit, so can I just use that?
- Of course! Head over to Jumpstate to get started!
Using Jumpsuit in your project? Show it off!
Tanner Linsley | Jason Maurer |
MIT © Jumpsuit