
In this exercise, we will be creating a simple Node.js script that will:

  • Load data from data.json
  • Find a pokemon based on its name ( case insensitive )
  • Log the pokemon data if found, otherwise, log an error saying the pokemon is missing


$ node findPokemon.js ivySaur
FOUND - id: 002, name: Ivysaur, types: Grass,Poison

$ node findPokemon.js PikaChu
NOT FOUND - PikaChu is not found

Getting started

  1. Make sure you have Node installed:
$ node -v 
v14.17.6 # Example
  1. Fork this repo by clicking the "Fork" button in GitHub UI

  2. Clone the forked repo

$ git clone git@github.com:YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME_HERE/exercise-node-scripting-basic.git
  1. Create the script, follow instructions and make sure the outputs are the correct.