:bar_chart: A browser add-on that adds essential features to the HSLU MyCampus website
- brparodi
- chefe
- code-inflationSwitzerland
- conblemSmino
- CreaBoo
- Davee02@leuchterag
- Delta843
- dev-janSwitzerland
- disperatecloudscale.ch
- dominikstraessleLuzern
- FabianGroeger96@hslu-abiz @Digital-Dermatology
- FAIKUESwitzerland
- florianbaer@hslu-abiz
- francWhiteKMS AG
- h-philSwitzerland
- InfoSecCstm
- InuxSwitzerland
- jackra1nHSLU
- janedoekills
- jonas99yLandis + Gyr
- Lextum
- luanaBanana
- marcorothBasel, Switzerland
- mfrautschi
- nerrehmitPuzzle ITC GmbH
- okaufman
- patrickbucherComposed GmbH
- philippdrebesZug, Switzerland
- PiratePeterSwitzerland
- randombenj$HOME
- Tektronox
- teshi24
- timofurrer@gitlabhq
- tschibu@Swisscom
- vigi86University of Applied Sciences Lucerne
- Zayden16I-AG Software