Security Insights Validator

!! Currently in Proof of Concept phase only. !!


This is intended to compare a provided YAML file against the security insights specification.

In the event that a known value is found to contain an unexpected data type, the validation will fail one entry at a time, beginning at the top of the file.

In the event that an unknown value is included, it will be ignored during validation. Upon successful completion of the validation, a diff will provided in the execution log to show all unexpected values that were included in the provided YAML file.


  1. Download the latest binary from the releases page
  2. Execute the file locally using ./si-validator
    • By default, the validator will look in the present working directory for SECURITY-INSIGHTS.yml
    • A full local path can be provided to a file in another location or with another name using ./si-validator --input path/to/file.yml
  3. Validation results will be printed to the log


Continued development is subject to discussion with the Security Insights community.