
A minimal boilerplate for front-end prototyping/development using guard.

Primary LanguageRuby


A small collection of files that I use as a boilerplate when creating the front-end for new projects. Overtime it will change to reflect my current development techniques and tools.

The goal of Duboce is to be as minimal as possible with resources, but provide a foundation for starting front-end development. Projects like HTML5 Boilerplate are fantastic however not always necessary when you just want to do some prototyping, I plan on keeping Duboce minimal but efficient, more to come soon!

Usage and Dependencies

You will need ruby installed, then update gem and install bundler like so:

$ sudo gem update --system
$ sudo gem install bundler

Then install dependencies with:

$ bundle

If you wish to use the Livereload component you will need a plugin for your browser, I recommend LiveReload for Chrome/Chromium.


  • dvessel for providing guard configuration with compass
  • css-tricks.com for the groundwork of the custom grid system.
  • guard for handling watching of files


Put together by Eddie (eblundell.com), do what you wish with this project!