ShoppingList - December 2017.

General project description.

A WPF application im writing to help practice the technology and ways to identify correct properties for View Models in the M.V.VM design pattern. I intend to design further functionality as i go, to begin a simple shopping list app that allows for adding, editing and removing of items to a list. Next I will add database support to make sure closing the app does not wipe out the data stored just basic CRUD will be enabled. Finally i will try to encorperate a server holding JSON data for the list items, meaning multiple clients could read and update the same list (this is the nice to have part).

App Structure


  • MainWindow.xaml - loads all needed components of the ui
  • CrudMenu.xaml - Panel of buttons to fire off ICommands Add, Edit, Delete
  • ShoppingList.xaml - Main shopping List grid for showing all the list items
  • ItemDetailEntry.xaml - UI element that appears to Add or edit a list item


  • MainWindowViewModel.cs
  • CrudMenuViewModel.cs
  • ShoppingListViewModel.cs
  • ItemDetailEntryViewModel.cs


  • TBA

This is just a demo application to help me in my work which is a very large complex codebase in C# moving now from WinForm / WPF to as pure WPF as we can get in the do minimal harm approach to testing and tightly coupled components.