
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


My dotfiles for configuring ZSH and XDG-base-dir

What are .dotfiles

One of the key draws of Linux, other than getting away from proprietary software, is its customizability of it. Most of the time you do this inside a hidden file, and within Linux, these files start with a .. Typically these files are stored in ~/, but thanks to the XDG initiative they have slowly begun to migrate into the .config/. This repo doesn't cover my entire system, only the ones which I would want to easily be able to install on a new system.

How to install

Thanks to dot bot installing these is stupidly easy. You do it in three lines

git clone git@github.com:eddiebquinn/dotfiles.git --recurse-submodules
cd dotfiles

Things to bear in mind

  • In order to keep .zshenv out of $HOME you need to include export ZDOTDIR="$HOME"/.config/zsh in /etc/zsh/zshenv