
🧠 Example Discord Bot written in JavaScript that uses OpenAIs models such as `text-davinci-003`, `Dall∙E`, and `text-moderation-004` with many features such as ChatGPT-style conversation, image generator, AutoMod and more!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Chat GPT Discord Bot

GitHub stars GitHub forks iTz Development Discord iTz Club Discord

GPT Discord Bot is the original Discord AI bot written in JavaScript, using the Discord.js V14 library powered by OpenAI's models. It has different features such as answering to all of your questions or draw your imaginations and even translate your prompts from any language to any other language you want and also an configurable Auto Moderation system powered by AI which watch all of your server messages (if you want, you can turn it off/on) and report flagged messages to Admins and they can moderate it and other features which you can see example in Screenshots!

🚧 Requirements

  1. Discord Bot Token Guide
    1.1. Enable "Message Content Intent" and "Server Members Intent" in Discord Developer Portal
  2. OpenAI API Key
  3. Node.js 16.9.0 or higher

🚀 Getting Started

⚙️ Configuration

Copy config.json.template in configs folder to config.json and fill out the values:

    "Prefix": "Put anything you want as prefix",
    "MainColor": "Put any #HexCode you want for embeds color",
    "ErrorColor": "Put any #HexCode you want for embeds color when there is an error",

Go to .env in project root folder and fill out the values:

ClientID="Put your Bot ID/Client ID here"
Token="Put your Bot Token here"
OpenAIapiKey="Put your Open AI API Key here"
# models

⚠️ Note: Never commit or share your token publicly ⚠️

and if you want to use chatbot or moderation model fill and config chatbot.js and moderation.js in configs folder, you can find template files in the same folder, and (Information on how to configure them is available in the files themselves)

🧠 installation

Open your terminal and install required packages with

npm install

After installation finishes run node register.js to deploy slash commands and then run node index.js in terminal to start the bot.

💫 Features


Ask : Answers your questions with all GPT models (GPT-3.5-Turbo, Text-Davinci-003, Text-Curie-001, Text-Babbage-001, and Text-Ada-001)!

Imagine : Draw your imaginations with Dall∙E!

Optimize : Optimizes your imaginations to get better response with imagine command with GPT-3.5-Turbo!

Translate : Translate your texts in any language to any language you want with GPT-3.5-Turbo.


ChatBot : A Channel where you can talk to the bot and have ChatGPT-Style conversation with GPT-3.5-Turbo. (It has a temporary memory so that it can remember the contents for a short time)

Auto Moderation : An Auto Mod system which checks all of your server messages and send a log for your Admins if a message content complies with OpenAI's usage policies with Text-Moderation-004 (moderation model is free to use and you can config it as much as you want)

📸 Screenshots

Ask imagine Translate Conversation Auto Mod

❤️ Donations

You can support me by donating if you like the project!

Only available for Iranians :(

Made with ❤️ and JavaScript, Don't Forget to ⭐