
Web app and api for Live Chair

Primary LanguageRuby


##Getting Started

  1. Create a postgresql user called 'live-chair' with the password 'live-chair'

  2. sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser live-chair

  3. sudo -u postgres psql

  4. postgres=# \password live-chair

  5. Enter 'live-chair' as the password and password confirmation

  6. \q

  7. rake db:create

##Adding an api function example Let's say we already have a resource for barbers and we want a function to list all barbers

  1. Add the resource under the api version 1 namespace
 namespace :api, defaults: {format: 'json'} do
    namespace :v1 do
      resources :barbers
  1. Make a new controller at app/controllers/api/v1/barbers_controller.rb. a. Notice because of the namespacing our controller class is nested in two modules. b. We are using respond_to :json at the class level because rails will throw an error otherwise :/

  2. Encapsulate the controller in the Api and V1 module

    module Api
       module V1         
          class BarbersController < ApplicationController
          respond_to :json	
  3. Add necessary index function

       def index
         @barbers = Barber.all

    There's no need to add anything else because rabl is handling the view and our routes.rb and our class know to render json. We don't even have to say render

  4. Make a rabl file at app/views/api/v1/barbers/index.json.rabl to determine which parameters to provide in json format.

    collection @projects
    attributes :id, :name`
  5. Point your browser to localhost:3000/api/v1/barbers and you should have some awesome JSON!

##Starter Code You can copy this test I did to get you started.


 module Api
  module V1
    class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
      respond_to :json
      def index
        @projects = Project.all


      def show
        respond_with Project.find(params[:id])
      def create
        respond_with Project.create(params[:product])
      def update
        respond_with Project.update(params[:id], params[:products])
      def destroy
        respond_with Project.destroy(params[:id])



collection @projects
attributes :id, :name

##Project Work Flow It is essential we stick with this work flow, especially the 'how to merge' section below will help us contain merge conflicts

  1. Assign trello card to self
  2. Create branch based on trello card functionality (e.g. git checkout -b mm-sign-up)
  3. Work on branch, create small commits
  4. Push up to origin: git push origin mm-sign-up
  5. Review commits, add link to trello card, and create PR (Pull Request)
  6. Incorporate feedback, repeat #5 until no more feedback


1. git checkout master
2. git pull --rebase origin master
3. git checkout mm-sign-up
4. git rebase -i master
5. git checkout master
6. git merge mm-sign-up
7. git push origin master


1. git push origin :mm-sign-up
2. git branch -d mm-sign-up


  1. Specify conventions for api calls
  2. Choose a templating engine like Slim or Haml.