
Luna is inspired by Lucid, a framework for Feature Visualization. However, Luna is built on Tensorflow 2, and thus supports modern models and deep learning techniques.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Inspired by Lucid, Luna is a Feature Visualization package for Tensorflow. While Lucid is not supporting Tensorflow 2, and thus misses out on many modern features and the ability to use modern models, Luna was built with Tensorflow 2 at its core.

Luna is under active development. It is not production-ready research code and misses many features of Lucid.


You can use this package directly with your code. If you place this package next to your python file, you can use it like this in your file:

from luna.pretrained_models import models
from luna.featurevis import featurevis, images, image_reader

model = models.get_model("inceptionV3")
# model.summary()
image = images.initialize_image(224, 224)
loss, image = featurevis.visualize_filter(image, model, "mixed6", 10, 200, 1, 0, 0, 0)
images.save_image(image, name="test")

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While we admire their work, we have no affiliation with the Lucid authors or project. Nonetheless, if you are interested in research like this, the Distill slack (join link) might be a good place for you to get to know other people in this area.

On the awesome Distill slack, Lucid has its own #proj-lucid channel, where general questions about the technology are discussed.