
Simple scripts to aid with stereo camera calibration

Primary LanguagePython

OpenCV Camera Calibration Helper Scripts

Taking Calibration Photos

The program will take unlimited photos from two cameras with a one-second delay until the escape key is pressed. Photos are displayed using cv2.imshow(). Photos are stored in left_images and right_images directories respectively.

python take_calibration_photos.py

Calibrating a Camera

This script calibrates a camera based on the chessboard pattern and saves the parameters to camera_calibration.yml

python monocular_calibration.py /path/to/chessboard/images/

Running Stereo Calibration

stereo_calibration.py expects to load camera parameters from a file left_camera.yml and right_camera.yml

python monocular_calibration.py /path/to/left/chessboard/images/ 

mv calibration_parameters.yml left_camera.yml

python monocular_calibration.py /path/to/right/chessboard/images/

mv calbration_parameters.yml right_camera.yml

python stereo_calibration.py