
[WIP] get all your secrets from Hashicorp Vault, in one go, as JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScript


If you need a way to list all secrets from your Hashicorp Vault, this is the dirtiest and least fancy.

If you need to search all your secrets for a given string, this is still a pretty ugly way.

The implementation downloads all secrets at a specific path, including children, and then optionally searches them for you.


git clone git@github.com:doramatadora/vault-wrapper.git
cd vault-wrapper


npm install


You'll need your Vault token in an environment variable. Sample .env file:



To just return everything at the defined path:

node index.js --path="/v1/secrets"

To search for a given string in one of your secrets. This will flatten your objects with dot notation so { one: { two: 'value' } } becomes: { one.two: 'value' }:

node index.js --search="my-secret-string"

Exclude paths can be used by setting the VAULT_EXCLUDE arg with a comma separated Express 4.x routes - supports wildcards:

node index.js --exclude="(.*)/shared"

With running commentary:

DEBUG=vault-fetch node index.js

With pretty printed JSON:

node index.js --pretty

Limit depth of search:.

VAULT_DEPTH=4 node index.js