
Custom integration for Home Assistant to connect electricity meter wia IEC 62056-21 protocol

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

IEC 62056-21 electricity meter Integration for Home-Assiatant

Custom integration for Home Assistant to connect electricity meter wia IEC 62056-21 protocol mode B.

The integration polls every 5 minutes and provides 2 entities:

  • Energy consumption total in kWh
  • Energy feed total in kWh


a) Install over HACS

  • Add https://github.com/eddso/https://github.com/eddso/ha_iec6205621 repository to HACS integrations
  • Add IEC 62056-21 electricity meter Integration integration with HACS

b) Install manual

If you don't have or don't want use HACS, install it over Terminal:

cd config/custom_components
wget https://github.com/eddso/ha_iec6205621/archive/refs/heads/main.tar.gz
tar --strip-components=3 -xzf main.tar.gz ha_sma_speedwire-main/custom_components/sma_speedwire


After install restart Home-Assistant under the Configuration -> System -> Restart


  • After installation, you should find iec6205621 under the Configuration -> Integrations -> Add integration.
  • Enter serial port connected to electricity meter.


Add the following to configuration.yml to show debugging logs. Please make sure to include debug logs when filing an issue.

See logger intergration docs for more information to configure logging.

  default: warning
    custom_components.iec6205621: debug