
Php Easy Database

Primary LanguagePHP

About: Its very lightweight, simple, and easy to use, good start for begginers. Multi database Support. Edb class is only 5Kb.

#Connection #1
$db = new edb('example.com','username','password','databasename');

#Connection #2
$config = array('example.com','username','password','databasename');
$db = new edb($config);

#Select from table #1
$result = $db->q("select * from `users`limit 3");

foreach($result as $a){
        echo $a['name'].' '.$a['surname'].' '.$a['email'].' '.$a['country'].'</br>';

#Select from table #2
$result = $db->q("select * from `users`limit 3");

foreach($result as $a){
        $a = (object) $a;
        echo $a->id.' '.$a->name.' '.$a->url.' '.$a->img.'</br>';

#Select line from table

$result = $db->line("select * from `users` where id = '300' limit 1");
echo $result['name']; 
echo $result['surname']; 

#Select one from table

#name = $db->one("select name from `ilike_pics` where id = '300' limit 1");
echo $name;


#Get all executed query count
echo $db->queryCount;

#Get all executed query time
echo $db->queryTime;

#Get all executed query debug data
print_r( $db->queryAll );

//returns array with information
//query = executed query
//time = time for query
//type = returns type, DB - reads from database, Cache - reads from cache
    [1] => Array
            [query] => select * from users where id = '5'
            [time] => 0.04899907
            [type] => DB
    [2] => Array
            [query] => select * from location_list 
            [time] => 0.19058895
            [type] => cache
    [3] => Array
            [query] => select email from users where id = '5' limit 1
            [time] => 0.05135894
            [type] => DB
#Using Cache
#to use cache add parameters to function:

#to enable cache add true as second parameter, default false
#to set cache expire time use, third parameter, set seconds as number

$db->q($query, $cacheEnabled, $expireTime);

$name = $db->one("select name from `ilike_pics` where id = '300' limit 1", true, 3600);
echo $name;

#to change cache dir use:

$db->cacheDir = './cache/database/';

//default =  './dbcache/';