This repository contains the necessary helm charts to bootstrap a prow + tektoncd stack in a kubernetes cluster. This is the stack we use at to build our ci/cd pipelines.
It also contains a step by step guide to setup andd configure the whole stack in such a way that the prow configuration and tekton pipelines are automatically kept in sync with a github repository.
To install the stack you will need the following
- A kubernetes cluster of any kind (EKS, kops, bare metal...)
- A github account
- helm and kubectl installed and configured
- You create a github repository to manage prow config files (config.yaml, plugins.yaml and job-config/*.yaml)
- You create a github repository to manage the tekton pipelines (tasks/.yaml, pipelines/.yaml)
- You create the necessary secrets for running prow
- You deploy prow in the kubernetes cluster using helm
- You deploy tekton in the kubernetes cluster using helm
- You configure the config-updater plugin to keep prow configuration in sync with the repository created in 1
- You setup a tekton pipeline and a prow job to keep the tekton resource in sync with the repository created in 2
All this is explained in the following section
In your github account, create a repository for storing your prow configuration files.
Click the New button.
Pick a name, create it either public or private, and hit the Create repository button.
I called mine prow-config but you can choose any name you want.
In your github account, create a repository for storing your tekton tasks and pipelines.
Click the New button.
Pick a name, create it either public or private, and hit the Create repository button.
I called mine tekton-config but you can choose any name you want.
Before deploying prow, you need to create configure some access informations for prow to be allowed to connect to your github account.
First, create a github account, then create an oauth token for it. Do not use your own github account as prow will ignore things done by itself, if you use your own account, chances are that it will ignore eveything you do.
In the new github account profile click on the Settings item.
Then click on the Generate new token button.
Fill in the form and click on the Generate button.
Note the token somewhere, you will need it later.
In order to use github webhooks you will need to create another secret.
Run the command openssl rand -hex 32
and note the result, you will need it later.
You will also need to create a secret to be used as a deck cookie.
Run the command openssl rand -base64 32
and note the result, you will need it later.
This repository contains a helm chart to easily deploy prow.
You will have to clone this repository as the helm chart is not distributed over a helm repository (yet).
Once the repository is cloned, run the following command :
helm upgrade --install prow --namespace prow ./helm/prow \
--set-file config=./helm/prow/config/config.yaml \
--set-file plugins=./helm/prow/config/plugins.yaml \
--set deck.cookieSecret=your_cookie_secret \
--set github.hmacToken=your_github_secret \
--set github.oauthToken=your_github_token
You will have to replace your_cookie_secret
, your_github_secret
and your_github_token
with the secrets you created at the previous step.
This will deploy prow in the prow kubernetes namespace with default configuration.
See ./helm/prow/ for the list of what can be customized in the chart.
This repository contains a helm chart to easily deploy tekton.
You will have to clone this repository as the helm chart is not distributed over a helm repository (yet).
Once the repository is cloned, run the following command :
helm upgrade --install tekton --namespace tekton ./helm/tekton
This will deploy tekton in the tekton kubernetes namespace with default configuration.
See ./helm/tekton/ for the list of what can be customized in the chart.