
Playing with local Kubernetes cluster with Kind, Cilium, MetalLB and other tools

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains code, scripts and manifests i use to play with local Kubernetes clusters with Kind, Cilium, MetalLB, Keycloak, ArgoCD and various other tools.

Basic cluster

The cluster.sh script will bootstrap a local cluster with Kind and configure it to use Cilium CNI (without kube-proxy), MetalLB, ingress-nginx and dnsmasq.

The cluster api server will be configured to use Keycloak identity provider.

It will also setup docker image caching through proxies for docker.io, quay.io, gcr.io and k8s.gcr.io.

Run ./cluster.sh to create a local cluster.


The keycloak.sh script contains code to deploy Keycloak in a running cluster.

In addition to deploying Keycloak, it will also configure it using terraform to be ready to use with ArgoCD and other applications for SSO authentication.

Keycloak will be available through HTTPS, using a certificate that is trusted by the cluster api server.

Run ./keycloak.sh to deploy and configure Keycloak.


The argocd.sh script contains code to deploy ArgoCD in a running cluster.

ArgoCD will be configured to use Keycloak OIDC endpoint and SSO authentication.

Run ./argocd.sh to deploy ArgoCD.

ArgoCD applications

The argocd folder contains code ArgoCD application manifests.

Run kubectl -n argocd -f ./argocd/<application name> to deploy an application.

Available applications: