- Authentication
- Express Middleware
- Mongoose Middleware and Methods
- Sessions and Cookies
Use Node.js, Express and Mongoose to build an API that provides Register and Login functionality using MongoDB to store User information using sessions and cookies to keep a record of logged in users.
You will build the solution from scratch, no starter code is provided. Feel free to structure your API anyway you want, but aim at making it easy to maintain in the future.
- Fork and Clone this repository.
- CD into the folder where you cloned the repository.
- Do your magic!
- Take the steps necessary to create a
to keep a record of all dependencies. - Configure an npm script named "start" that will execute your code using nodemon so that the server restarts on changes. Make nodemon be a development time dependency only, it shouldn't be deployed to production.
- Design and build a set of endpoints listed below.
- Use
mongoose middleware
to implement password hashing. - Use
local express middleware
andmongoose methods
to implement password verification. - Use Postman to test the API as you work through the exercises.
Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | /api/register | Creates a user using the information sent inside the body of the request. Hash the password before saving the user to the database. |
POST | /api/login | Use the credentials sent inside the body to login the user. On successful login, create a new session for the user and send back a 'Logged in' message and a cookie that contains the user id. If login fails, repond with the correct status code and the message: 'You shall not pass!' |
GET | /api/users | If the user is logged in, respond with an array of all the users contained in the database. If the user is not logged in repond with the correct status code and the message: 'You shall not pass!'. Use this endpoint to verify that the password is hashed before it is saved. |
- Write a piece of global middleware that ensures a user is logged in when accessing any route prefixed by
. For instance,/api/restricted/something
, and/api/restricted/a
should all be protected by the middleware; only logged in users should be able to access these routes. - Build a React application that implements components to register, login and view a list of users.