Converting a flat file to a database and creating a REST api using FastAPI. Front end to come later...

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Converting a flat file to a database and creating a REST api using FastAPI. Front end to come later...

Source File

UFO Sightings csv -> https://www.kaggle.com/rishidamarla/ufo-sightings-approx-100000

Download the csv file and convert to sqlite database.

Import csv file as table using DB browser -> https://sqlitebrowser.org/

Add new column id type Integer check box for pk (primary key)

Updated empty state fields to 'INTL' to identify international reports outside of USA/CANADA. Don't hate, this is not my database. :-)

Create repo

Create new repo and clone it. Or you can clone this project

git clone https://github.com/eddyizm/UFO_FastAPI.git

Set up Python Environment

Create a virtual environment for this project where env is the name of the new virtual environment aka folder. You can name this anything you want but make sure it is in your .gitignore so you don't check it into source control.

# change directory into new repo
cd UFO_FastAPI
# create virtual env
python -m venv env 
# activate virtual env
source env/bin/activate
# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

launch main.py

uvicorn main:app --reload

Front end (Angular )

Assertions - node, npm and ng already installed.

 ng new ufoApp --skip-install=true
 npm install
 ng serve --open

Add nebular theming.

cd ufoApp
ng add @nebular/theme

Docker build

Change into the app directory and build nginx/node container

cd ufoApp docker build -t ufo-ng-app .

Then run
docker run ufo-ng-app