
salesforce events connector for graylog

Primary LanguagePython

Salesforce Event Monitoring Log connector

A lightweight Python command line utility that fetches Salesforce Event Monitoring Log Files for the purpose of consumption by log management and monitoring software. Use env.bak file as sample .env file.


Run Locally

Only Retrieve logs for a given environment and save it in data dir

$ retrieveLogs.py {orgname} 
>>Fetching logs from, orgname.cs32.my.salesforce.com

Retrieve logs for a given environment and send it to graylog server

$ retrieveLogs.py {orgname} -s {graylogserver ip }:{udp input stream port}
for e.g. retrieveLogs.py orgname1 -s
>>Fetching logs from, orgname.cs32.my.salesforce.com

Print debug output to terminal

$ retrieveLogs.py orgname -d
>>Fetching logs from, gsa-red--reddv10dvn.cs32.my.salesforce.com
>>Debug turned on

Display list of environments stored in .env (sample .env.bak file)

$ retrieveLogs.py -e
>>The following environments have credentials stored:
  - orgname1
  - orgname2
  - orgname3
>>You can use one of the sites by entering:

  $ python retrievePackage orgname

Display help

$ python retrieveLogs.py -h
usage: retrieveLogs.py [-h] [-e] [-d] [-l] [-v] [orgName]

Salesforce Event Monitoring Log Retrieval This python script will authenticate
against Salesforce and pull json responses containing api logs that may be
downloaded for consumption by a log processing application. Request responses
are logged in the /logs directory. Each run of this app will generate multiple
requests, those requests are merged into a single log file

positional arguments:
  orgName        enter the org key of the environment contained in .env

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -e, --env      display list of Salesforce environments contained in the .env
  -d, --debug    print results of program to terminal
  -l, --log      prints log of http requests to /logs folder
  -v, --verbose  prints full http request and response (status code and
                 headers) log to terminal. **NOTE, this argument prints a lot
                 of information to the terminal
  -s, --send    sends the fetched log files to a graylog input stream on UDP port                

Retrieve basic logs and store in logs/ directory

$ retrieveLogs.py {orgname} -l
>>Fetching logs from, orgname.cs32.my.salesforce.com
>>Logging turned on. File can be found at, logs/20161204-2027.34.log

Retrieve logs and display robust request log information including HTTP requests, response codes, and headers

$ retrieveLogs.py {orgname} -v
>>Fetching logs from, orgname.cs32.my.salesforce.com