
caculate shortest path tree with Dijkstra’s algorithm

to build: make

to run: ./sssp

to test:(need boost graph library and g++ cmake) cd testing ./

The complexity should be O(V+E) as I use indexed min-heap as a priority queue. OOP technology is used to make dynamic memory more manageable. It was tested with Valgrind. No memory leak was found. At least this version can pass 1000 nodes test, faster than boost::graph

reference: Algorithms (4th Edition) by Robert Sedgewick , Kevin Wayne API:

data structure

1. IndexMinPriorityQueue
  	1. `PQ_ctor` : //Constructor
  	2. `PQ_dtor` : //Destructor
  	3. `Sink` : // is parent node is bigger than its child nodes, parent node sink down
  	4. `Swim` : // if child node is bigger than parent, child node swim up
  	5. `PQ_insert` : // insert a key bindding it to index k
  	6. `PQ_peekIndex` : // return the index at the front
  	7. `PQ_peekKey` : // return the key at the front
  	8. `PQ_pop` : // pop the front, the minimum key
  	9. `PQ_replace` : // replace the key bidding to index k
  	10. `greater` : // comapare the keys mapping to index a and index b
  	11. `PQ_contains `  : // test if pqueue has a key mapped with index k
  	12. `swap  `  : // swap two element in heap
2. WeightedDirectedEdgeType
3. WeightedDirectedEdgeAdjacencyListType
  	1. `WDAjList_ctor` : //Constructor
  	2. `WDAjList_dtor` : //Destructor
  	3. `WDAjList_pushback` : // push back an edge, edge will be copyied into WDAjlist
4. WeightedDirectedGraph
  	1. `WDgraph_ctor` : //Constructor
  	2. `WDgraph_dtor`: //Destructor
  	3. `WDgraph_addEdge` : // simple add weighted directed edge to WDgraph v---->w, weight
5. ShortestPathTree_AUX_DATA_TYPE
  	1. `SPTdata_ctor` : //Constructor
  	2. `SPTdata_dtor` : //Destructor
  	3. `SPT_relaxEdge`
  	4. `CalculateSPT`
  	5. `get_longest_path` : // find the longest path inside SPTree, the weight is the answer to this problem


  1. mygetline

    //get a line from file, return -1 if failed
    // lineptr is the line string, it is allocated inside but need to be free outside
    // n is the number of chars in string(not includ the last "\0")
  2. ParseWeight

    //parse adjacency matrix,read a line string, get the a row of matrix, return the number of column
    // return -1 if failed. if the char is 'x' the value in matrix will be -1
    // the matrx_row_ptr must be already allocated;