This is a TYPO3 Extension for using Google Custom Search Engine in combination with Fluid Templates.
- Open TYPO3 extension manager
- Switch at the top left to "Get extensions"
- Search for pr_googlecse
- Click install
Login via SSH, go to your TYPO3 root and run the following command:
composer require kronova/pr-googlecse
- Open the extension manager
- Search for "pr_googlecse"
- Click on the settings icon on the right
- Enter your Google API key (you can get it from
- Enter the key of your custom search (you can get it from
- Enable/disable caching if you want
- Save your changes
- Choose or create the page where the search should be embedded
- Open the template module
- Edit the existing or create a new extension template
- Go to includes and include the pr_googlecse static template
- Save and exit
- Open the page view module
- Add content > Plugins > Google custom search engine
- Save your changes
Currently there are no more settings. Feel free to add issue tickets for feature requests.
It´s like many other extensions. You can add your own fluid templates by adding your own paths to the TypoScript
plugin.tx_prgooglecse.view.templateRootPath = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Templates
plugin.tx_prgooglecse.view.layoutRootPath = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Templates
plugin.tx_prgooglecse.view.partialRootPath = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Templates
You can override the following field: plugin.tx_prgooglecse._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE
You can either open an issue ticket if you wan´t to discuss about a feature request, problem or you can use the contact form on my website for other stuff.