
N++ Palette Creator - Web Version [https://edelkas.github.io/npc-web/]

Primary LanguageJavaScript


N++ Palette Creator - Web Version

This will help you create your own customized color themes / palettes for N++.

How to use the editor:

Load a palette on Import, change the colors of it's differnt elements from the bottom menu, draw the rest of the owl, click Export to download a zip containing all 35 files of the N++ palette.

How to load the palette on N++:

You will have to put the palette folder (which name will be the in-game name of the palette) into the Palettes folder of your N++ installation directory, inside your Steam folder. It should be something like this:

Linux: home/<user>/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/N++/NPP/Palettes

Windows: SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/N++/NPP/Palettes

mac: home/<user>/Library/ ... /steamapps/common/N++/NPP/Palettes

Important note: It's likely you won't have a folder named Palettes, in which case you will have to create it.

Other Resources:

Custom palette spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I2f87Qhfs6rxzZq5dQRDbLKYyaGLqTdCkLqfNfrw1Mk

Palette color reference: https://pastebin.com/E01pEhy4

Outdated video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql8gf6PPcUY