
My take home project for the Cofense UX Engineer role, 5/13/20

Primary LanguageCSS

UX Engineer Homework Assignment

Showcase your design skills by applying CSS styles to a simple article card component, then augment it by adding a comments counter element. Feel free to use your UX expertise and recommend UI improvements.

Minimal Requirements

  • Add CSS styles to styles.css
  • Add comments counter element in index.html with associated styles in styles.css

How will you assess my project?

I'm glad you asked! We will consider all of the following when "grading" your code sample:

  • Fulfilling minimal requirements.
  • Going beyond minimal requirements.
  • Organization of code (CSS / HTML).
  • Detail of design.

How much time should I spend on this?

No more than 3 hours in total. We are not interested in derailing your life. Instead, we would like to get a sense of how you are able to pair your design and technical skills.

How should I submit my code?

Several options:

  1. Use "git", and zip up the entire project directory (including the .git sub directory) and submit it to your recruiter.
  2. Create a private git repository (on GitLab or GitHub for example) and provide access to the development team and recruiters
  3. Create a private CodePen (or similar service) and provide access to the development team and recruiter.