
A turn based game using the Phaser framework. The game allows you to collect as much as stars possible while at the same time dodging obstacles.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Sedemamia is a single-player turn-based game. The game is intended to test how fast the player can think and swerve obstacles. The game is made up of 3 levels and final level where you have to defeat the Grand Trotro. In the first three levels, the user must collect as many stars as possible. The collected stars will be used in the fight with the grand Trotro at the end of the 3 lives. Regardless of the number of stars collected, a player who exhausts all 3 lives will be sent to face the Grand Trotro. The user has a total of 3 lives in any set of a game session.

Screenshot of the webpage

Level Design

The game is made up of 3 different preliminary levels where the player collects as many stars. At each different level, the player will be a set of moving obstacles(flying birds) thrown at the player. Any contact with a flying bird will cause the player to lose one life.

Story and Gameplay


A player(Sedem) is on the quest to save the world from the tyrant Grand Trotro(GT) who has brought darkness to the people of Seduland. To get to GT and restore light, Sedem needs to collect many possible ammunitions for the fight. He must reach the 3rd level before he can get to fight GT. Collecting the stars is not as easy as it sounds, as there are flying birds that are constantly blocking the way and trying to eat Sedem so he cannot get to GT and get a finish. To get to a superior level, Sedem must collect a minimum number of stars(the number doubles at each level).


Player uses the direction keys( up: to jump and move to upper blocks, down: to move down in a faster way, left: to move left, right: to move right). The player can use the additional keys for extra(f: to throw fire at the enemy, d: to throw blocks at the enemy ) Fire: is equivalent to 2 stars and cause more damage than a block. A player can start having a fire after he has collected 20 stars or more. Block: is equivalent to 1 star and cause less damage.

Enemy: We have two types of enemy, the flying birds and grand Trotro(GT). Flying birds are the small enemy that prevent Sedem to collect enough stars to kill GT. Flying birds can fly in any direction and kill the player on contact. Flying birds can be killed with fire(2 stars) or 3 blocks.

GT can be killed if it has been hit by in the middle by 5 fires in 10 blocks or by 40 blocks.



Mobility system: Player gets to move in all directions using the arrow keys. The UP and DOWN keys are exceptional, in the sense, the UP key makes the player jump, however, the down key helps the player to fall fast.




Sounds, voiceover, music

sound1.mp3 It will be playing repeatedly throughout the first 5 levels

block.wav It will be played when the user shoots a block

fire.wav It will be played when the user fires a fire

gt.wav It will be played when the player moves to gt level


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed the latest version of Node.js

Installing Sedemania app

To install the Sedemania app, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:edemagbenyo/rpg-game.git

Using Sedemania Game

To use Sedemania Game, follow these steps:

  1. Choose "Play" to start the game
  2. Choose "Options" to change the game settings
  3. Choose "Credits" to read on the credits

Contributing to Sedemania Game

To contribute to the Sedemania Game, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b feature/awesome_branch.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m 'awesome message'
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin feature/awesome_branch
  5. Create the pull request.

Alternatively, see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.


Future features

  1. Move player from one level to the other.
  2. Add a scene for the fight with the Grand Trotro.
  3. Give users access to log in and save their progress.


Graphics Full moon image: Alekei Main Character: bevouliin.com

Sounds Heroic Demise: Matthew Pablo


This project uses the following license: MIT.