Interested in Software Development, but Overwhelmed?

Software is a great equalizer and to get started on learning how to develop software, all you need is a GitHub account!
On your GitHub account you can create repositories, to publish your own free website using a simple ReadMe file with some Markdown and some determination.

Markdown? Why not Markup?

Markdown is a lightweight form of coding that allows you to create things such as websites, documents, notes, books, presentations, email messages, and technical documentation, it can range from very basic to advanced. Making it an easy way for you to share the information most important to you.
Here are great resources out there to provide you with the a wonderful Cheat Sheet for Markdown as well as some more advanced, but still Basic Syntax for Markdown.
With these tools, building your website is only a few keystrokes, some clicks, a bit of google fu and a mindset away.
Mindset you ask? There are two common Mindsets when you're in a learning environment. Fixed Mindset, and Growth Mindset.

Fixed Mindset Versus Growth Mindset
To Fail Tendency To Succeed
Daunting Challenges Exciting
Waning Focus Obstacles Interesting Challenge
Pointless Effort No Pain, No Gain
Will ignore Critisism Will learn from
Is discouraging Success of Others Is Inspiring

What does a Growth Mindset mean to me?

To have a growth mindset, it means that you are willing to step out of your comfort zone. It is the idea that even though you don't know something about a topic, that doesn't mean that you can't learn about the topic. If you go into a topic without any knowledge, even if you end up failing, you can pick yourself back up and learn from your failings and mistakes, and realize that those mistakes were an important part of the learning process.

Reminders of How to stay in a growth mindset

  1. Mistakes are important and essential to the learning process
  2. Give your mind breaks, let the information digest, don't forget to ask for help
  3. Stay diligent and keep trying, remember that google is a great friend

Here are some improtant notes from Readings!

Reading Notes:Cheat Sheet
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