Global Tool Fields (at the top of api.yaml)

Field Description
name Unique identifier for the tool
description Detailed explanation of the parameter's purpose and usage
tip Additional advice or context for using the parameter effectively (targetted to help AI agents use the tool well)
output_type Output type of the tool (image, video, audio)
handler What backend the tool is running on
comfyui_output_node_id ComfyUI output node id if applicable

Parameter Fields

Field Description
name Unique identifier for the parameter
label Human-readable name for the parameter
description Detailed explanation of the parameter's purpose and usage
tip Additional advice or context for using the parameter effectively (targetted to help AI agents use the tool well)
type Data type of the parameter (e.g., string, int, float, bool, image, video, image[], lora, audio)
default Default value for the parameter if not specified
minimum Minimum allowed value for numeric types
maximum Maximum allowed value for numeric types
min_length Min length of array types
max_length Max length of array types
step For numeric types, specifies the increment step in the UI (e.g., 8 for width/height)
choices List of predefined options for the parameter, if applicable
Special Fields
hide_from_agent Boolean indicating whether to hide the parameter from AI agents (true/false), defaults to false when not provided
hide_from_ui Boolean indicating whether to hide the parameter from the Eden webapp UI (true/false), defaults to false when not provided
required Boolean indicating if the parameter is mandatory (true/false), defaults to false when not provided
node_id Identifier for the ComfyUI node
field Field within the node
subfield Specific subfield within the node field
preprocessing Any preprocessing steps required to properly parse this input (e.g., "folder" for image arrays, which saves a set of imgs to a tmp folder and passes that path in ComfyUI)