
utility for saving the contents of MySQL and MariaDB database tables into CSV files

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a Docker utility for saving the contents of MySQL / MariaDB database tables into CSV files. It is published publicly to Docker Hub at edence/mysql2csv.


The program accepts its configuration from environment variables and command-line arguments.

Command-line Arguments

The program produces the following usage documentation when invoked with the --help and -h command-line arguments:

usage: mysql2csv [-h] [--loglevel LOG_LEVEL] [--host DB_HOST] [--user DB_USER]
                 [--password DB_PASSWORD] [--database DB_DATABASE]
                 [--chunksize CHUNK_SIZE] [--path OUTPUT_PATH]
                 [--csvdialect CSV_DIALECT] [--csvencoding CSV_ENCODING]
                 [--overwrite | --no-overwrite] [--no-password]
                 [--defer-exceptions | --no-defer-exceptions]
                 table_name [table_name ...]

generates CSV files from MySQL/MariaDB database tables

positional arguments:
  table_name            name of database table to copy into local CSV output
                        file (multiple can be specified)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --loglevel LOG_LEVEL  determines how verbosely to log program operation;
                        possible values: "CRITICAL", "FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN",
                        "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG" (default: INFO)
  --host DB_HOST        network host to use when connecting to the database
  --user DB_USER        username to use when connecting to the database
                        (default: root)
  --password DB_PASSWORD
                        password string to use when connecting to the database
                        (default: password)
  --database DB_DATABASE
                        database name to use after connecting to the database
                        (default: root)
  --chunksize CHUNK_SIZE
                        data retrieved from the server will be returned in
                        chunks of this many rows; using a larger chunk size
                        generally results in faster operation but uses more
                        memory; selecting an excessive size will result in the
                        program running out of memory (default: 1000)
  --path OUTPUT_PATH    the base output path to use when creating CSV files
                        (default: /output)
  --csvdialect CSV_DIALECT
                        python csv.writer dialect; possible values: "excel",
                        "excel-tab", "unix"; see:
                        (default: unix)
  --csvencoding CSV_ENCODING
                        character encoding used when writing CSV files
                        (default: utf8)
  --overwrite, --no-overwrite
                        if output files for the given tables already exist,
                        overwrite those files instead of skipping them
                        (default: False)
  --no-password         indicates the database connection should be made
                        without a password - this is distinct from an empty
                        string password; if this argument and a password are
                        given together the password argument will be ignored
                        (default: False)
  --defer-exceptions, --no-defer-exceptions
                        indicates the program should attempt to keep running
                        when a database error occurs; if this option is not
                        enabled the program will halt immediately on error
                        (default: False)

Example Command-line Invocation

In this example we're dumping a mysql internal table from a MariaDB server on the docker host:

$ docker run --rm --volume "$(pwd)/output:/output" edence/mysql2csv:latest --host host.docker.internal --user root --password testing --database mysql --overwrite time_zone
2023-01-31 06:38:23,775 WARNING time_zone: overwriting existing output file /output/time_zone.csv
2023-01-31 06:38:23,779 INFO time_zone: wrote 1000-row chunk to /output/time_zone.csv
2023-01-31 06:38:23,780 INFO time_zone: wrote 787-row chunk to /output/time_zone.csv
2023-01-31 06:38:23,781 INFO time_zone: finished dumping table to /output/time_zone.csv (1787 rows)

Docker Compose Configuration

Here is an example of how the image can be deployed in a docker compose file:

      CHUNK_SIZE: 100000
      CSV_DIALECT: "excel"  # see also: unix ; https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html
      DB_DATABASE: "mysql"
      DB_HOST: "db"
      DB_PASSWORD: "testing"
      DB_USER: "root"
      OVERWRITE: 1
      - time_zone
      - time_zone_transition
      - "./output:/output"