Connect-Four Refactoring OO: UNIT 12 Report

by: Etienne Deneault

App URL: GitHub Repository:


  • Game Start and Reset Buttons.

  • ColorPicker to choose custom piece color.

  • Computer Player Game Instance for solo play.

  • Scoreboad background color updated to represent players turn.

  • Dynamic DOM messaging.

  • Mark-up includes Nav Bar with the buttons and persisted value scoreboard. Nav Bar is collapsable.

  • Token drop is CSS Animated- vert-slide-in and star-spin.

  • Local Storage is uses to persist - shortest and longest game values in the scoreboard.

  • 3D CSS EyeBall integrated into the background images for "large" viewports (above width: 1320px). @Media inquiries included to remove if the user viewport is to small to support "positioning".

  • Responsive Behavior - adapts to smaller viewports with the use of BootStrap4 classes and CSS @media inquiries.

Know Issues and Furthey Study

  • Alignment of falling tokens is off on smaller screens. Needs furthey study to fix.

  • Adding difficulty settings by dynamically adjusting height and width values using user input.

  • Adding difficulty levels for Computer Play i.e. computer checking "close to winning" game states to determine where to place piece.

  • The code would benefit from utilizing more economical syntax/stucture code i.e. higher order functions and ES 2015 functions.

  • As mentionened, in the project hand-out, checkForWin() could be more efficient. Using a set of array-like collections for winning states and "close to winning" states in combination with some may enhance program functionality.

Process && Learnings

  • The process that I followed was the following:

    • Game design reflection: functions needed and game logic.
    • OO Unit 12 - Assignment step-by-step to build basic app functionality and mark-up using Object-Oriented programming.
    • Refactoring of connect4 app from previous unit.
    • Addition of "further study" features.
    • Polishing of html and css
    • Commenting and Documentation
  • Programing with an objet-oriented approach practical experience gained.

  • Game-Flow logic experience gained.

  • Experimented with 3d capabilities of css and got some practice with css positioning. (and it's limitations when designing for responsiveness)

Game Renderings

Technologies && Third Party Libraries && Fonts

Sources && References