
Machine learning tools for investment tasks. The purpose of these tools is to obtain deeper analytics about companies using fundamental, global market and other data. This repo is core of

📔 Documentation

Visit Read the Docs to know more about Ml_investment library.

🛠 Installation

PyPI version

$ pip install ml-investment

Latest version from source

$ pip install git+


You may use config file ~/.ml_investment/config.json to change repo parameters i.e. downloading datasets pathes, models pathes etc.

Private information (i.e. api tokens for private datasets downloading) should be located at ~/.ml_investment/secrets.json

⏳ Quick Start

Use application model

There are several pre-defined fitted models at ml_investment.applications. It incapsulating data and weights downloading, pipeline creation and model fitting. So you can just use it without knowing internal structure.

from ml_investment.applications.fair_marketcap_yahoo import FairMarketcapYahoo

fair_marketcap_yahoo = FairMarketcapYahoo()
fair_marketcap_yahoo.execute(['AAPL', 'FB', 'MSFT'])
ticker date fair_marketcap_yahoo
AAPL 2020-12-31 5.173328e+11
FB 2020-12-31 8.442045e+11
MSFT 2020-12-31 4.501329e+11

Create your own pipeline

1. Download data

You may download default datasets by ml_investment.download_scripts

from ml_investment.download_scripts import download_yahoo
from ml_investment.utils import load_config

# Config located at ~/.ml_investment/config.json
config = load_config()

>>> 1365it [03:32,  6.42it/s]
>>> 1365it [01:49,  12.51it/s]

2. Create dict with dataloaders

You may choose from default ml_investment.data_loaders or wrote your own. Each dataloader should have load(index) interface.

from import YahooQuarterlyData, YahooBaseData

data = {}
data['quarterly'] = YahooQuarterlyData(config['yahoo_data_path'])
data['base'] = YahooBaseData(config['yahoo_data_path'])

3. Define and fit pipeline

You may specify all steps of pipeline creation. Base pipeline consist of the folowing steps:

  • Create data dict(it was done in previous step)
  • Define features. Features is a number of values and characteristics that will be calculated for model trainig. Default feature calculators are located at ml_investment.features
  • Define targets. Target is a final goal of the pipeline, it should represent some desired useful property. Default target calculators are located at ml_investment.targets
  • Choose model. Model is machine learning algorithm, core of the pipeline. It also may incapsulate validation and other stuff. You may use wrappers from ml_investment.models
import lightgbm as lgbm
from ml_investment.utils import load_config, load_tickers
from ml_investment.features import QuarterlyFeatures, BaseCompanyFeatures,\
from ml_investment.targets import BaseInfoTarget
from ml_investment.models import LogExpModel, GroupedOOFModel
from ml_investment.pipelines import Pipeline
from ml_investment.metrics import median_absolute_relative_error

fc1 = QuarterlyFeatures(data_key='quarterly',
                        quarter_counts=[2, 4, 10],

fc2 = BaseCompanyFeatures(data_key='base', cat_columns=['sector'])

feature = FeatureMerger(fc1, fc2, on='ticker')

target = BaseInfoTarget(data_key='base', col='enterpriseValue')

base_model = LogExpModel(lgbm.sklearn.LGBMRegressor())
model = GroupedOOFModel(base_model=base_model,

pipeline = Pipeline(data=data,

tickers = load_tickers()['base_us_stocks'], metric=median_absolute_relative_error)
>>> {'metric_my_super_model': 0.40599471294301914}

4. Inference your pipeline

Since ml_investment.models.GroupedOOFModel was used, there are no data leakage and you may use pipeline on the same company tickers.

pipeline.execute(['AAPL', 'FB', 'MSFT'])
ticker date my_super_model
AAPL 2020-12-31 8.170051e+11
FB 2020-12-31 3.898840e+11
MSFT 2020-12-31 3.540126e+11

📦 Applications

Collection of pre-trained models

  • FairMarketcapYahoo [docs]
  • FairMarketcapSF1 [docs]
  • FairMarketcapDiffYahoo [docs]
  • FairMarketcapDiffSF1 [docs]
  • MarketcapDownStdYahoo [docs]
  • MarketcapDownStdSF1 [docs]

⭐ Contributing

Run tests

$ cd /path/to/ml_investment && pytest

Run tests in Docker

$ docker build . -t tests
$ docker run tests