
Read rmp archive files

Primary LanguagePython


Tools for inspecting RPM files in python. This module is modeled after the tarfile module.


import rpmfile

with rpmfile.open('file.rpm') as rpm:

    #Inspect the RPM headers
    print rpm.headers.keys()
    print rpm.headers.get('arch', 'noarch')
    #Extract a fileobject from the archive
    fd = rpm.extractfile('./usr/bin/script')
    print fd.read() 
    for member in rpm.getmembers():
        print member


* rpmfile.RPMFile: The RPMFile object provides an interface to a RPM archive
* rpmfile.RPMInfo: An RPMInfo object represents one member in a RPMFile.

Code in this module was borrowed from:

* https://bitbucket.org/krp/cpiofile
* https://github.com/mjvm/pyrpm