
Image Processing Toolbox in Verilog using Basys3 FPGA

Primary LanguageVHDLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


(ES 203: Digital Systems Project, Prof. Joycee Mekie, IITGN)


Image Processing Toolbox in Verilog using Basys3 FPGA In this project, we have implemented image processing operations (those involving convolutions) on a given image through FPGA Basys-3. We send a given image in binary form to the FPGA Block RAM and then perform some specific image processing applications depending user’s choice in the FPGA itself and then display it through a VGA display. We use Verilog as the hardware description language and python for converting the given digital image into binary form.

Block Memory

To feed the image into verilog, we need to convert it binary (.coe file). We do that using python. The converted image is such that it has as many rows as the total number of pixel and each row having 24 bit (8X3). So a 160X115p image will have 18400 rows. Then a block Memory Module is created in the project which has as many addresses as the number of rows and 24 data bits. So, for the above example, it will have 215 address bits. This Memory module, like other modules can be instantiated and used in the main module. The module has inputs as clock, address,datain and read-write command and the dataout as output. So, for a given address, it gives the daa at that address during that clock cycle. And thus can give only one data set at a time (here one pixel). For convolutions, we need multiple pixels at a time to use the kernels, that we access by adding and subtracting values to the address.

VGA Interface

We wrote the code for 480p display set at 60Hz refresh rate. Refresh rate is the number of times the screen refreshes in a second. For each refresh, each pixel (480X640) is refreshed one after another. For this, the counter starts from the origin (0,0) and travels to (0, 799) and so on till (524, 799). These include the non display area as well along with the retrace as shown on the figures on the left. These are fed to the screen using hsync and vsync. The hsync signal becomes “0” after the counter reaches the end of the right border which initiates the retrace. After the retrace, the the signal once, once again becomes “1”, initiating the left border and tracing on the display area. Also, for the screen, we only start the display from some point and end at the number of pixels added to that in both the directions.

Download the poster for further details. This project contains 2 implementations:

  1. Verilog implementation which can read, process and write images from your system.(BIPT and Blurring Folder)
  2. FPGA implementation which can show the output of the image loaded in block ram on a monitor.(Final Project Folder)


It seems to me that the project structure is very unclear. So, I included this section for the development of this project. This project contains two implementations of the same image processing operations.

  1. Read and Write from PC. image(located somewhere in your pc) -----> coe file generated from python ------> read coe file using verilog read function ------> do the required operations ------> Write the new image somewhere in your pc

    Note: There are functions for reading and writing a file in verilog. Remember to convert the image into coe file but you can write the image in bmp format. Learn how a .bmp image file is structured. Folders BIPT and BLurring contains this implementation.

  2. load the image into the board and display it on a monitor. image(located somewhere in your pc) -----> coe file generated from python ------> load this coe file manually into the block-ram of the board ------> do the required operations by selecting seleting assigned keys on board ------> View the changes in the image in realtime on monitor

    Note:This is little complicated than the above implementation because we need a board, monitor and the ram size is limited. You can find this implementaion in Final Project/VGA_1 folder. Also remember that your board has a limited size, so you can only use images of very small size. Adjust according to your board size.

COE file: This is nothing but a list of binary or hexadecimal numbers ordered in a specific format. Refer https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/cgn_r_coe_file_syntax.htm for more info.

We need to convert our image into a list of binary numbers where each binary number denotes a pixel value of the image. You can generate this using coe_generator.py file. You can do basic image operations such as increasing/decreasing brightness, RGB2Gray, colour inversions, various color filters using the generated file. Inorder to perform these basic image processing operations we just need to access to a single pixel at a time. For example, we can convert color image to black and white by the operation r+g+b/3 to that pixel. Hence, we read a single pixel at a time(clock cycle) to do the operation and show the result on the screen or store the image in the computer. You cannot do any kinds of blurring or edge detection using the file generated from coe_generator.py file because we need access to the pixels around that pixel to generate a result.

Inorder to apply blurring, edge detection and other filter we need to apply a convolution on the image using various kernels. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Kernel_(image_processing) As you can see from the website we need access to the pixels around the pixel we are operating. Since, I didn't find a way to access multiple parts of the block memory in a single clock cycle. Grayscale image is enough for applying these kernels/filters. So, I used python converted the image to grayscale and placed all the required pixels(up, down, right etc., pixel values around a pixel) for performing a kernel operations in a single line(as a single big binary number). I don't think this is an efficeint method because it consumes more memory than the single grayscale image.

This is just a workaround since I couldn't find other way at that time. Now you can perform all the blurring operations by using this file.

But my final project should be able to perform both the basic operations and also convolutions. So, I had to generate a new coe file which consists of the colored pixel value in the first half which is follwed by grayscale pixel value of the surrounding pixels. Run kernel_coe_generator.py and then parallel_image_generator.py to get final coe file.

Please use the python files according to your use case and try to write your own files for generating coe files using python or any other programming language of your choice. Verilog code of the final project https://github.com/Gowtham1729/Image-Processing/blob/master/Final%20Project/VGA_1/VGA_1.srcs/sources_1/new/VGA.v

//sel_module is used for selecting the function and val to adjust brightness, filters etc.,

Module Selection Bits

  1. RGB2Gray(0000):


  1. Increase brightness(0001):

  1. Decrerase brightness(0010):

  1. Color Inversion(0011):

  1. Red Filter(0100):

  1. Blue Filter(0101):

  1. Green Filter(0110):

  1. Original Image(0111):

  1. Average Blurring(1000):

  1. Sobel Edge Detection(1001):

  1. Edge Detection(1010):

  1. Motion Blurring xy(1011):

  1. Emboss(1100):

  1. Sharpen(1101):

  1. **Motion Blur in x direction(1110):

  1. Gaussian Blur(1111):

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