
Convert a public Tweet into embedded semantic HTML

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Convert a public Tweet into either:

  • Image & alt text
  • Semantic HTML and CSS

Uses Selenium's Webdriver to launch a Firefox or Chrome instance and takes a screenshot. Uses the Twitter embed API to get a copy of the text and any alt text. An HTML representation is copied to the clipboard.


  • 🗣 Avatars inlined as WebP
  • 📸 All attached photos inlined
  • 🎥 Video poster inline,
  • 🔗 Hyperlinks don't use t.co
  • #️⃣ Hashtags & @ mentions linked
  • 🔄 Includes reply threads & quote Tweets
  • 🕰 Semantic time
  • 🔍 Schema.org metadata
  • 🖼 Cards
  • 📊 Polls
  • ♥ , 🔁 & 🗨 counts
  • 📖 Autosubmit the Tweet to Archive.org



  • python tweet2html.py 123 will get the Tweet with ID 123, create an embedded HTML, and copy it to the clipboard.
  • --thread to get a parent or quote tweet
  • --css if you want the CSS as well
  • --pretty for pretty-printed HTML
  • --save save the HTML to a file
  • --schema adds Schema.org metadata

Typical Output

Run python tweet2html.py -mtp 671919410630819840 and receive:

<blockquote class="tweet-embed" id="tweet-embed-671919410630819840" lang="en" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/SocialMediaPosting">
    <header class="tweet-embed-header" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person">
        <a href="https://twitter.com/polls" class="tweet-embed-user" itemprop="url">
            <img class="tweet-embed-avatar tweet-embed-avatar-circle" src="" alt="" itemprop="image">
            <div class="tweet-embed-user-names">
                <p class="tweet-embed-user-names-name" itemprop="name">polls</p>@polls
        <img class="tweet-embed-logo" alt="" src=''>
    <section class="tweet-embed-text" itemprop="articleBody">
        The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
        <hr class="tweet-embed-hr">
        <label for="poll_1_count">The Beatles: (28,857)</label><br>
        <meter class="tweet-embed-meter" id="poll_1_count" min="0" max="100" low="33" high="66" value="76.1">28857</meter><br>
        <label for="poll_2_count">The Rolling Stones: (9,074)</label><br>
        <meter class="tweet-embed-meter" id="poll_2_count" min="0" max="100" low="33" high="66" value="23.9">9074</meter><br>
    <hr class="tweet-embed-hr">
    <footer class="tweet-embed-footer">
        <a href="https://twitter.com/polls/status/671919410630819840" aria-label="113 likes" class="tweet-embed-meta">❤️ 113</a>
        <a href="https://twitter.com/polls/status/671919410630819840" aria-label="38 replies" class="tweet-embed-meta">💬 38</a>
        <a href="https://twitter.com/polls/status/671919410630819840" aria-label="0 retweets" class="tweet-embed-meta">🔁 0</a>			
        <a href="https://twitter.com/polls/status/671919410630819840"><time datetime="2015-12-02T05:10:45.000Z" itemprop="datePublished">05:10 - Wed 02 December 2015</time></a>


  • python tweet2img.py 123 will get the Tweet with ID 123, save a WebP screenshot, and print out the alt text.
  • python tweet2img.py 123 --thread as above, but will include the parent Tweet if this is a reply.
  • Screenshot and alt text are saved in the output directory.
  • Clipboard receives a copy of the HTML - including data-encoded image - ready to paste in.
    • <a href="https://twitter.com/edent/status/123"><img src="..." width="550" height="439" alt="Screenshot from Twitter. 2022-08-19T13:36:44.000Z. Description."/></a>

Useful Examples

  • 1432768058028875791 Video
  • 1095659600420966400 Reply - parent has image
  • 909106648928718848 Multiple images
  • 1560621791470448642 Quote Tweet
  • 670060095972245504 Poll
  • 83659275024601088 Deleted Tweet
  • 1131218926493413377 Summary Card
  • 1485588404037648389 Reply to a quoted Tweet

Known bugs:

  • Fractional Scaling may produce slightly fuzzy images (Wayland related?)
  • On tweet2img, the alt text contains t.co URls rather than the expanded ones (could use entities?)
  • Only some Twitter Cards are rendered in HTML (are there more?)
  • No Dark Mode (overkill?)
  • Many other things (probably?)