
Demo: https://rickandmortyuniverse.herokuapp.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rick and morty universe

The rick and morty universe is a SSR app built in react using the rick and morty api (https://rickandmortyapi.com).

You can see a live demo here: https://rickandmortyuniverse.herokuapp.com


Source can be cloned from this repo


npm install npm run dev


yarn install yarn dev


The app has multilanguage support (en, es), using react-i18next and the i18nextMiddleware to detect the language.

If you want to see the app in other language use:

For spanish: dev http://localhost:3000/?lng=es demo https://rickandmortyuniverse.herokuapp.com/?lng=es

For english: dev http://localhost:3000/?lng=en demo https://rickandmortyuniverse.herokuapp.com/?lng=en