
Manage Jira issues on google sheets!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jira on Spreadsheets (joss)

(Work in progress)

Just a simple scripts to manage your jira issues on google spreadsheets!

Create and update Jira issues is an awful work as the number of issues grows.

Inspired by visual studio tfs plugin where users could manage tfs tasks in a simple excel spreadsheet, I built this Google Apps Script project extending google sheets capabilities using Jira rest api to manage some issues operations.

For a while, project creating still manual. Create an google spreadsheet and go to Tools > Script editor. Then create and copy & paste script files in this project.

Future versions intent to use clasp to deploy project files to google apps script.


At this moment, some issue fields are partially supported and some fields are unsupported.

Partially supported

  • timeTracking: just orignalEstimate sub field. It is planned to support remainingEstimate.

Not supported

  • attachment
  • issuelinks (linked issues)
  • worklog

How to use

1- If its your first use after import google scripts, setup spreadsheet by using Reset all settings menu.*

2- Login on your jira account using Authenticate menu.

3- Test your login connection using Test connection menu.**

4- On Fields sheet, select which issues fields to use. Remove unecessary fields/rows.***

5- Configure your jira project key and task fields using Import settings menu.

6- If you need to configure issue fields again, use Reset field settings menu to get original fields and import again using Import settings menu.

7- Search issues input query in jql format using Search issues menu. Results will be displayed in Issues sheet.

8- Update issues in Issues sheet using Sync issues menu.****

9- Create new issues in Issues sheet leaving key column blank and use Sync issues menu.*****

*sheet names can not be changed.

**jira cloud users that login with integrated google account must be able to login with email/password on jira page. If you are not able, go to jira login page and ask recovery link to your account and set proper password. It will create a jira "OnDemand password" which can be used to authenticate and consume jira services.

***key and parent issue fields must be present. Only main default jira fields are available in this version. timetracking field is the originalEstimate subfield. remainingEstimate currently not supported.

****multivalued fields should be set comma separated in sheet cells, e.g. value1,value2. Look at Fields sheet to see which fields are multivalued on isArray column.

*****If issue is a sub task type, parent must be provided. If parent exists, set its key. Otherwise set row number of parent. After parents creation, its key will be set as parent of child task. As expected, in this case, parent issue row must be set before child issue. Only key and parent fields are updated on sheet after issues creation. To see all fields updated after creation make a issues seach again.