
This is a studio-only starter for a website backend that you can bring your own frontend to.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A website studio

This is a studio-only starter for a website backend that you can bring your own frontend to.


  • WordPress-esque content models (but better)
  • Types for pages, posts, routes, navigation, comments
  • Split-pane view for viewing post comments (using incoming references)
  • Deploys on Netlify

If you want to launch this project to try out the studio, go to sanity.io/create.

Use this starter template to make your own starter

Feel free to hit the ”Use this template” button to make your own starter that can be deployed through sanity.io/create.

Check out our documentation for building starter templates.

Let us know in the #i-made-this channel in our Slack community if you have made one, and in #help if you need help.