
crystal library that interact with the asterisk manager interface (AMI) asyncronously sending actions and reciving events

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


crystal library that interacts with the asterisk manager interface (AMI) asyncronously sending actions and reciving events


add to shard.yml

    github: edersohe/ami.cr
    branch: master


Connect With asterisk manager ingterface

ami = AMI.open("", 5038, username: "MyUsername", secret: "MyPassword", events: "all", debug: true)

Create Handler

def print_event_handler(event : AMI::Message)
    p event.to_s         # AMI message format
    p event.to_h         # To hash
    p event.to_json      # To json

Send actions to asterisk

ami.action("login", username: "MyUsername", secret: "MyPassword", events: "all").send
ami.action("originate", channel: "PJSIP/6001", context: "from-internal", exten: 100, priority: 1).send

Handle received messages

Pattern match is used once and is removed from handlers

ami.add_handler("Event: ContactStatus\r\n", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message))
ami.add_handler("Event: Hangup\r\n", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message))

Pattern match is used all connection life after added it to handlers

ami.add_handler("Event: DialEnd\r\n", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message), permanent: true)
ami.add_handler("Event: DeviceStateChange(.*\r\n)*State: NOT_INUSE", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message), permanent: true)


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/edersohe/ami.cr/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • edersohe Eder Sosa - creator, maintainer