The project is to create a calculator in js only using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.
🔗 Live preview: here
- JS
- Visual Studio Code
- Linux terminal (windows WSL)
- Git and GitHub
- ESLint
- HTML/Sass Boilerplate (npm)
- Sass preprocessor
- Classic operators: Possibility to calculate using simple math operators
- Correct and Clear buttons
- Keyboard support
- adjust positive/negative
- math power x²
- Used JS to build the calcul and display logic
- Used HTML5 semantic elements for better readability and structure.
- Used CSS3 grid and flex to create layout.
- Used Git and GitHub for project management.
- Tried to maintain clean code.
- Cross tested on Firefox and Chrome browsers.
- Better knowledge of Javascript.
- Refactoring of code, functions to display, functions to process/calculate
- Improved code structure and code readability.
- Improved clean code writing.
- Use of ternary operator
👤 Edouard Desgrée
- GitHub: edesgree