
Final Project for CS 5644 Machine Learning with Big Data

Primary LanguagePython

CS5644 Project

Final Project for CS 5644 Machine Learning with Big Data

Quick Start

  1. Download Taxi data from www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/html/about/trip_record_data.shtml and save to directory 'taxi-data/2015' and 'taxi-data/2016'
  2. From the command line: run "scrap/preprocess-taxi-data.py" with two arguments: input directory, and output file e.g. py scrap/preprocess-taxi-data.py taxi-data/2015 daily.csv

Borough Boundaries

  1. Download geo-json file from http://services5.arcgis.com/GfwWNkhOj9bNBqoJ/arcgis/rest/services/nybb/FeatureServer/0/query?where=1=1&outFields=*&outSR=4326&f=geojson and save to 'geo-data/borough-boundaries.json'.
  2. From the command line, run py scrap/geo-map.py
  3. From the command line, run py scrap/count-boroughs.py 3, where the last command line argument is the accuracy order of magnitude