
tiny configure file parser

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


a tiny configure file parse library.

  • lightweight :suitable for embedded system
  • portable :just use stand c library function

config file example

allow same config key name in diffrent group

[group1]  # parser will use this to allow the same key in multi group
key1 =  hello, world! # can add comment here
key2 =  12345
key3 =  3.14

[group2]  # parser will use this to allow the same key in multi group
key1 =  group2, key1 # can add comment here
key2 =  222
key3 =  333


Debian(Linux debian 3.16.0-4-586 #1 Debian 3.16.43-2+deb8u2 (2017-06-26) i686 GNU/Linux):

$git clone https://github.com/edgar1470/libtcfg.git
$cd libtcfg
$cd example

cross compile for Hi3518/Hi3516:

$git clone https://github.com/edgar1470/libtcfg.git
$cd libtcfg
$make CROSS=arm-hisiv300-linux-