
Data sort algorithm, using a set instructions with as few operations as possible.

Primary LanguageC


This project was completed as part of the curriculum at School 42. The goal of the project is to sort a stack of integers using a limited set of operations.


To install and run the program, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open a terminal window and navigate to the root directory of the project.
  3. Run the command make to compile the program.
  4. Run the program using the command ./push_swap [list_of_numbers].


The program takes a list of integers as a command-line argument and sorts them using the following operations:

  • sa: swap the first two elements of stack A.
  • sb: swap the first two elements of stack B.
  • ss: do sa and sb simultaneously.
  • pa: push the first element of stack B onto stack A.
  • pb: push the first element of stack A onto stack B.
  • ra: rotate stack A so that the first element becomes the last.
  • rb: rotate stack B so that the first element becomes the last.
  • rr: do ra and rb simultaneously.
  • rra: reverse rotate stack A so that the last element becomes the first.
  • rrb: reverse rotate stack B so that the last element becomes the first.
  • rrr: do rra and rrb simultaneously.

The program must output a list of operations that sorts the stack in ascending order using the smallest number of operations possible.


Here's an example of how to use the program to sort a stack of numbers:

$ ./push_swap 3 1 4 2

In this example, the program sorts the stack [3, 1, 4, 2] using the operations sa, ra, sa, and rra.


This project was completed by Edgar Boutillot as part of the curriculum at School 42.