
inventory of the lmfdb database

LMFDB Database Inventory


  • Mongo DB (contains databases)
  • Database (contains collections)
  • Collection (contains documents, aka records)
  • Document (contains fields aka attributes)
  • Field (a string, integer, float, boolean, dictionary, list, ...)


The table below summarizes the various mongo db databases in the LMFDB. Click links for more detailed information. Database status is indicated by one of:

database status contact code collections
HTPicard future David Farmer picard/ picard
Lattices production Samuele Anni lattice lat
Lfunctions production Jonathan Bober, David Farmer lfunctions instances, Lfunctions
MaassWaveForms production Stefan Lemurell, Fredrik Strömberg maass_waveforms to be added
SL2Zsubgroups future Stefan Ehlen emf_utils.py groups
abvar beta David Roe abvar/fq fq_iosg
artin production John Jones artin_representations representations, field_data
bmfs future John Cremona none dimensions
curve_automorphisms alpha Jen Paulhus higher_..._automorphisms passports
elliptic_curves production John Cremona elliptic_curves curves, nfcurves, padic_db
genus2_curves production Andrew Sutherland genus2_curves curves, endomorphisms
halfintegralmf alpha Samuele Anni half_integral_weight_forms forms
hgm beta John Jones motives families, motives
hmfs production John Voight hilbert_modular_forms fields, forms
knowledge production David Farmer knowledge meta, knowls, deleted_knowls, history
localfields production John Jones local_fields fields
mod_l_eigenvalues alpha Samuele Anni modlmf modlmf
mod_l_galois alpha Samuele Anni rep_galois_modl reps
modularforms2 production Stefan Ehlen, Fredrik Strömberg elliptic_modular_forms dimension_table, webchar, webchar.chunks, webchar.files, webmodformspace, webnewformspace.chunks, webnewformspace.files, webnewforms, webnewforms.chunks, webnewforms.files, webeigenvalues, webeigenvalues.files
numberfields production John Jones number_fields fields
sato_tate_groups production Andrew Sutherland sato_tate_groups st_groups, st0_groups, small_groups
siegel_modular_forms production Nils  Skouruppa siegel_modular_forms dimensions, samples
transitivegroups production John Jones galois_groups groups, Gmodules