
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This package is a simple wrapper for the rforest library code into SageMath.


sage -pip install --upgrade  git+https://github.com/edgarcosta/pyrforest.git@master

If you don't have permissions to install it system wide, please add the flag --user to install it just for you.

sage -pip install --user --upgrade  git+https://github.com/edgarcosta/pyrforest.git@master

Functions provided

Interface with rforest

remainder_forest(M, m, k, kbase=0, indices=None, V=None, ans=None, kappa=None, projective=False)

remainder_forest_generic_prime(M, d, e, k, indices=None, m=None, kbase=0, V=None, ans=None, kappa=None)

Examples of usage

  • batch_factorial(n, e, gamma)

    Return a dict whose value at a prime $p$ equals $(\lceil \gamma p \rceil-1)! \pmod p^{e}$.

  • batch_harmonic(n, e, gamma, j, proj=False)

    Return a dict whose value at a prime $p$ is the truncated harmonic sum

$$ \sum_{k=1}^{\lceil \gamma p \rceil-1} k^{-j} mod p^e. $$

If proj is True, instead return a $1 \times 2$ matrix $[x, y]$ representing $x/y \pmod{p^e}$