Project Outline


Built with Ruby on Rails


Greg Armstrong, Edgar Duran, Penney Garrett

Denver Bunker

This project was created as a part of the curriculum for the Turing School of Software & Design to complete the "Pivot" project.

The original version of this project, the legacy codebase it began with, can be found here.


This application is a parody of Air BnB where a user can book a bunker and have a place to sleep in a post-apocalypse world. The user can choose a bunker by location or store, choose the number of nights they desire, and pay for their booking via Stripe payment.

Live Version

Book-A-Bunker is hosted live on Heroku here.


To set up a local copy of this project, perform the following:

  1. Clone the repository:
  2. cd into the project's directory
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Run rake db:create db:migrate db:seed to set up the postgres database and seed it with bunkers, stores, store admins, orders, and users. - If you would like to create your own bunkers, stores, orders, and users do not run db:seed - The seed file does not include any setup for a platform administrator, so those must be created manually by running rails c and adding a user to the database with the role name of "platform_admin"
  5. Run the application in the dev environment by running rails s

Test Suite

The test suite tests the application on multiple levels. To run all of the tests, run rake test from the terminal in the main directory of the project. The project also utilizes the Simplecov gem for quick statistics on code coverage.


This application depends on many ruby gems, all of which are found in the Gemfile and can be installed by running bundle install from the terminal in the main directory of the project.