
E-commerce main page challenge Frontend Mentor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Mentor - E-commerce product page

Welcome! 👋

Thanks for checking out this front-end coding challenge.

Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

The challenge

In this challenge, you'll build a beautiful product page. We'll be putting your JS skills to the test with a lightbox product gallery and cart functionality!



screenshot desktop screenshot desktop


screenshot mobile screenshot mobile


My process

Built with

  • React
  • Redux
  • Styled Componets
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Deploy on vercel

What I learned

It's been a long time from the last challenge, I have been learning new stuff and I tryed to apllyed all of that in this new challenge. I continue working to get better with React and this time I used Redux to manage the app's state, I used Git and Github from the beginig to the end, also I have been explored the Styled Component Library(I really liked it). My next move is it learn more about testing, like Jest and Testing Library. See you the next time.

Continued development

Next I want to explore more about:

  • Jest
  • Testing Library
  • Nextjs.

Useful resources



I really enjoined and I learned a lot about layout whith the content of Kevin Powell.
You guys can enroll on this course totaly free.