
Project Assignment for the Getting and Cleaning Data Project Assignment

Primary LanguageR

Getting and Cleaning Data - Project

This README describes the analysis used within the project assignment to create a tidy data set.

0. Prerequisites

  • The script makes use of the dplyr and the data.table package, so if any of these packages is missing, one needs to install them first
  • The script expects to be executed from within the extracted contents of the UCI HAR Dataset folder. When running the script one likely needs to adapter the working directory via setwd

1. Execution flow

The script follows the steps as described in the project assignment, but does not do so in the sequential order.

1.1 Merging data frames

First, the script unifies the training and test data sets creating additional variables subjects, activities and data. It makes use of a custom concat helper function which reads the respective training and test files and rbinds them to create a unified data frame for each data set.

1.2 Setting column names

Next, the script sets the column names for the merged data frames. While this is easy for the subjects and the activites dataframe, it makes use of a helper function readFeaturesNames for setting the column names for the data data frame.. This small helper function reads the features.txt and extracts the feature names.

1.3 Filtering features

Since we are only interested in the standard deviation and mean values of each variable, we filter the data set by making use of a regex (std|mean) and another helper function filterByFeatures. This function first greps the column names of the data set for the passed regex and then filters the data set via the subset function.

1.4 Setting descriptive column names for the data

While the data data frame already has column names set, they might appear quite cryptic. Hence, we format each column name by calling the format helper function and setting the column names via colnames again. The format function goes through all column names and applies a locally scoped replace function to each column. The replace function uses gsub to replace predefined tokens with more descriptive names.

1.5 Merging and tidying data set

After having formatted the data data frame, we can merge all data sets into a single one via cbind and aggregate the data as required by the project assignemnt instructions. Aggregation is handled by dplyr package: we first group_by the Subject and the Activity columns and then summarize_each variable by calling mean.

1.6 Set descriptive activity labels

As we used the Activity ID for aggregating the data the Activity column still features numeric values instead of labels.
We therefore read the activity_labels.txt file in the mapActivityIdToLabel helper function and replace all numeric values with the respective activity label.

1.7 Writing the tidy data set

Finally, we can write the tidied data set into a new file, which we call tidy-data.txt and which is written into the current directory.

2. Usage instructions

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Download the UCI Har dataset and extract it within the clone of the repository
  3. Make sure the dplyr and data.table packages are installed
  4. Update the setwd path with the run_analysis.R script
  5. Execute the script